
Life Technology™ Medical News

Impact of Workplace Bullying on Employee and Partner Sleep

Children's Sight Transformed by Genetic Medicine at UCL

Global Standard: ICD 11 - Crucial for Health Data

Innovative Fog-to-Cloud Computing Transforms Elderly Health Care

Managing Chronic Pain: Controversy Surrounding Opioid Treatment

Limited Use of Alzheimer's Screening Tools Hinders Early Detection

Roller Derby: Fast-Growing Sport for Women

New Insights into Mitochondrial DNA Deletion Diseases

Chronic Stress and Hypertension: Unraveling Biochemical Pathways

Zika Epidemic in Brazil: Environmental Factors Impacting Virus

Brain's Visual Cortex Role in Food Evolution

Challenges in Mental Health Intake: High Dropout Rates

Scientists Unveil Human Antibody mAb 3A6 for Ebola Therapy

University of Waterloo Enhances Breast Cancer Detection

Vilnius University Researchers Innovate Liquid Biopsy

New York Attorney General Targets E-Cigarette Industry

Impact of Great East Japan Earthquake on Health

Challenges of Appendiceal Cancer: Late Diagnosis & Prognosis

Brain Reorganization After Stroke Boosts Speech Recovery

2025 Winter: Influenza, COVID-19, RSV Dominate - Pneumonia Looms

Inhalable Medicines for Respiratory Diseases

U.S. Outpatient Prescriptions Surge for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

New Tool Revealed to Combat Opioid Crisis

Efforts to Curb Teen Vaping Trend

Study: Diet with Grapes, Strawberries, Açaí, Chocolate, Wine, Coffee Lowers Metabolic Syndrome Risk

Study Reveals Shortcomings in UV Protection for Eye Health

Rare Genetic Disease: Rett Syndrome in Newborn Girls

Indoor Cats in Oregon Euthanized Due to Bird Flu

Study Links Childhood Physical Activity to Adolescent Stress

Researchers Discover Enhanced Cardiac Diagnosis Method

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Uk Wildfire Season Intensifies: Study by Cambridge

Challenges for College-Educated Women in Marriage Market

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Scientists Study CO2 Impact on Tropical Forests at Costa Rica Volcano

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AI Diagnoses, Court Verdicts, News Stories, and Managers

Microsoft Team Reveals Eight-Qubit Topological Quantum Processor

Protein Interactions: Key to Biological Functions

Escherichia Coli: A Big Deal

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University of Florida Study: Urban Home Gardeners' Attitudes & Behaviors

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Corn Earworm Threatens Corn Yield in US

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Researching Strategies for Peace in Latin America

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Breakthrough Study: Reading Superconducting Qubits with Optical Transducer

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Role of Calcium in Muscle Development Unveiled

Study Shows Digital Platform Boosts Elementary Reading Skills

Janelia Researchers Develop System to Study Zebrafish Learning

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Revolutionizing Forest Volume Estimation: Critical Height Sampling Study

Study Reveals Key Forest Management Impact on Beetle Diversity

Challenges of Water-Based Adhesives: Adhesion Strength Issues

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AI's Limitations in Transforming Organizational Processes

AI Plans Trip Itinerary, Books Flights, Arranges Transport

Small Cylindrical Parts: Deep Drawing Process Risks

New Technique Enhances Food-Delivery Efficiency

China Deploys Advanced Helicopter-Borne Detection System

Harnessing Untapped Potential in Homes and Vehicles to Strengthen Local Power Grids

Indian Institute of Technology Advances Bifacial Solar Cells

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World's First Two-Way Adaptive Brain-Computer Interface

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Rising Electronic Waste: 82 Million Tons by 2030

Delta Flight 4819 Crash Investigation at Toronto Pearson

Refugees Boost Energy in Displacement Camps

Terahertz Waves: Faster Data, Precise Imaging, High-Res Radar

Delta Air Lines Passenger Jet Crash-Lands at Toronto Airport

Study Reveals Safety Risks in Sodium-Ion Batteries

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AI's Impact on Identifying Written Work: Human vs. AI

1 in 5 Cars Sold in 2021 Were Electric Vehicles

Challenges in Replicating Lifelong Learning in AI

UK Government Urged to Limit AI Companies' Copyrighted Works Access

U.S. Work Stoppages Decline in 2024

Australian Metals Plant to Become Hub for Green Iron and Steel

Indonesia's Coal Plant Expansion Threatens Emission Pledge

Nvidia and Partners Develop Largest AI System for Biological Research

Trump Considers Boeing Alternatives for Air Force One

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Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Wireless movement-tracking system could collect health and behavioral data

We live in a world of wireless signals flowing around us and bouncing off our bodies. MIT researchers are now leveraging those signal reflections to provide scientists and caregivers with valuable insights into people's behavior and health.

* This article was originally published here

Mining microbial treasures from toxic sites

Filled with a noxious brew of copper, cadmium and arsenic, with a pH rivaling that of sulfuric acid, Montana's Berkeley Pit seems inhospitable to life. Nonetheless, scientists have discovered microorganisms in this abandoned copper mine and other human-made noxious sites. These extreme environments induce microbes to synthesize potent, never-before-seen molecules that could find uses in human medicine, according to an article in Chemical & Engineering News, the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society.

* This article was originally published here

AMD's tech to power new supercomputer for Department of Energy

Advanced Micro Devices announced Tuesday that its technology will help power a new supercomputer at Tennessee-based Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2021.

* This article was originally published here

Radioactive carbon from nuclear bomb tests found in deep ocean trenches

Radioactive carbon released into the atmosphere from 20th-century nuclear bomb tests has reached the deepest parts of the ocean, new research finds.

* This article was originally published here

Microsoft to turn next chapter in raising talk to conversations

On Monday at Build 2019, Microsoft's annual conference for developers, the company showed off the technology for a conversational engine, to integrate with voice assistant Cortana.

* This article was originally published here

Clean fuel cells could be cheap enough to replace gas engines in vehicles

Advancements in zero-emission fuel cells could make the technology cheap enough to replace traditional gasoline engines in vehicles, according to researchers at the University of Waterloo.

* This article was originally published here

Study finds biomarker of CTE in some former athletes with multiple concussions

In a group of former professional athletes who experienced multiple concussions, a new study has found that approximately half the group had higher than normal levels of a protein called tau in their cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid surrounding the brain and spine. The study is published in the May 8, 2019, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

* This article was originally published here

Statistical study finds it unlikely South African fossil species is ancestral to humans

Statistical analysis of fossil data shows that it is unlikely that Australopithecus sediba, a nearly two-million-year-old, apelike fossil from South Africa, is the direct ancestor of Homo, the genus to which modern-day humans belong.

* This article was originally published here

Portrait of a Google AI art project as a poetic you

Roses are red violets are blue, AI writing poems? Can't be true. Or can it? And if so, how low can we go in expectations? Brush low expectations aside for now, as Google is on to something special, and that is, AI for self-portrait poetry.

* This article was originally published here

Box of Pain: A new tracer and fault injector for distributed systems

In computer science, distributed systems are systems with components located on different devices, which communicate with one another. While these systems have become increasingly common, they are typically filled with bugs.

* This article was originally published here

New data shows it's tough to have lung disease

People with asthma have the lowest overall health literacy according to a first-of-its-kind national health survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The survey uses a survey tool developed by Swinburne's Distinguished Professor of Health Sciences Richard Osborne.

* This article was originally published here

Drugs for invasive breast cancer 'could treat earliest stages of the disease'

Drugs used to target HER2-positive invasive breast cancer may also be successful in treating women in the first stages of the disease, researchers at The University of Nottingham have discovered.

* This article was originally published here

Bots exploiting blockchains for profit

Blockchains have been hailed as fair and open, constructed so a single user can't falsify or alter records because they're all part of a transparent network.

* This article was originally published here

Want to ace your tests? Take notes by hand

If you're a student looking for the most advanced learning machine available, give laptops a pass—and pick up an age-old notebook.

* This article was originally published here

Paper wasps capable of behavior that resembles logical reasoning

A new University of Michigan study provides the first evidence of transitive inference, the ability to use known relationships to infer unknown relationships, in a nonvertebrate animal: the lowly paper wasp.

* This article was originally published here

Study shows cell's cytoskeleton does more than hold up a cell, it transfers energy

Dysfunctions and malformations in the scaffold of a cell are thought to contribute to heart muscle weakness, neurodegenerative disease and even deafness. Now biophysics research at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) has taken a closer look at a cell's cytoskeleton and found a new purpose: It aids in energy transfer and information processing within neurons.

* This article was originally published here

Drones to deliver incessant buzzing noise, and packages

A sister company of Google, Alphabet's Wing Aviation, just got federal approval to start using drones for commercial delivery. Amazon's own drone-delivery program is ready to launch as well. As drones take flight, the world is about to get a lot louder – as if neighborhoods were filled with leaf blowers, lawn mowers and chainsaws.

* This article was originally published here

Should we turn the Sahara Desert into a huge solar farm?

Whenever I visit the Sahara I am struck by how sunny and hot it is and how clear the sky can be. Aside from a few oases there is little vegetation, and most of the world's largest desert is covered with rocks, sand and sand dunes. The Saharan sun is powerful enough to provide Earth with significant solar energy.

* This article was originally published here