
Life Technology™ Medical News

Children's Sight Transformed by Genetic Medicine at UCL

Global Standard: ICD 11 - Crucial for Health Data

Innovative Fog-to-Cloud Computing Transforms Elderly Health Care

Managing Chronic Pain: Controversy Surrounding Opioid Treatment

Limited Use of Alzheimer's Screening Tools Hinders Early Detection

Roller Derby: Fast-Growing Sport for Women

New Insights into Mitochondrial DNA Deletion Diseases

Chronic Stress and Hypertension: Unraveling Biochemical Pathways

Zika Epidemic in Brazil: Environmental Factors Impacting Virus

Brain's Visual Cortex Role in Food Evolution

Challenges in Mental Health Intake: High Dropout Rates

Scientists Unveil Human Antibody mAb 3A6 for Ebola Therapy

University of Waterloo Enhances Breast Cancer Detection

Vilnius University Researchers Innovate Liquid Biopsy

New York Attorney General Targets E-Cigarette Industry

Impact of Great East Japan Earthquake on Health

Challenges of Appendiceal Cancer: Late Diagnosis & Prognosis

Brain Reorganization After Stroke Boosts Speech Recovery

2025 Winter: Influenza, COVID-19, RSV Dominate - Pneumonia Looms

Inhalable Medicines for Respiratory Diseases

U.S. Outpatient Prescriptions Surge for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

New Tool Revealed to Combat Opioid Crisis

Efforts to Curb Teen Vaping Trend

Study: Diet with Grapes, Strawberries, Açaí, Chocolate, Wine, Coffee Lowers Metabolic Syndrome Risk

Study Reveals Shortcomings in UV Protection for Eye Health

Rare Genetic Disease: Rett Syndrome in Newborn Girls

Indoor Cats in Oregon Euthanized Due to Bird Flu

Study Links Childhood Physical Activity to Adolescent Stress

Researchers Discover Enhanced Cardiac Diagnosis Method

Cold Therapy Protects Breast Cancer Patients from Chemotherapy Nerve Pain

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Challenges for College-Educated Women in Marriage Market

Challenges in Cow Pregnancy: Impact on Milk Production

Scientists Study CO2 Impact on Tropical Forests at Costa Rica Volcano

Mosquito Antennae Study for Disaster Response

Plasma Arc Cutting: Key Technique in Manufacturing

Social Media Influencers Drive Pro-Environmental Tourism

Unveiling the Mystery: Lunar Surface Revealed

New Study Reveals Emotions of New Dads in Parenting

Max Planck Study Reveals Insights on Evolvability

AI Diagnoses, Court Verdicts, News Stories, and Managers

Microsoft Team Reveals Eight-Qubit Topological Quantum Processor

Protein Interactions: Key to Biological Functions

Escherichia Coli: A Big Deal

Texas Master Gardeners' Confidence in Home Food Preservation

University of Florida Study: Urban Home Gardeners' Attitudes & Behaviors

Brad Pitt's Voice Cloned at SINTEF Conference

Corn Earworm Threatens Corn Yield in US

NASA's Lunar Mission: Mars Leap Ahead

Researching Strategies for Peace in Latin America

Australia's Flora Under Threat from Prolonged Summer Heat

Breakthrough Study: Reading Superconducting Qubits with Optical Transducer

Study Reveals High PFAS Levels in Bird Diets

Role of Calcium in Muscle Development Unveiled

Study Shows Digital Platform Boosts Elementary Reading Skills

Janelia Researchers Develop System to Study Zebrafish Learning

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Revolutionizing Forest Volume Estimation: Critical Height Sampling Study

Study Reveals Key Forest Management Impact on Beetle Diversity

Challenges of Water-Based Adhesives: Adhesion Strength Issues

Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Top Advances in Materials Science

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AI's Limitations in Transforming Organizational Processes

AI Plans Trip Itinerary, Books Flights, Arranges Transport

Small Cylindrical Parts: Deep Drawing Process Risks

New Technique Enhances Food-Delivery Efficiency

China Deploys Advanced Helicopter-Borne Detection System

Harnessing Untapped Potential in Homes and Vehicles to Strengthen Local Power Grids

Indian Institute of Technology Advances Bifacial Solar Cells

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New Technique Reduces Imperfections in 3D Printing

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World's First Two-Way Adaptive Brain-Computer Interface

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Rising Electronic Waste: 82 Million Tons by 2030

Delta Flight 4819 Crash Investigation at Toronto Pearson

Refugees Boost Energy in Displacement Camps

Terahertz Waves: Faster Data, Precise Imaging, High-Res Radar

Delta Air Lines Passenger Jet Crash-Lands at Toronto Airport

Study Reveals Safety Risks in Sodium-Ion Batteries

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AI's Impact on Identifying Written Work: Human vs. AI

1 in 5 Cars Sold in 2021 Were Electric Vehicles

Challenges in Replicating Lifelong Learning in AI

UK Government Urged to Limit AI Companies' Copyrighted Works Access

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Australian Metals Plant to Become Hub for Green Iron and Steel

Indonesia's Coal Plant Expansion Threatens Emission Pledge

Nvidia and Partners Develop Largest AI System for Biological Research

Trump Considers Boeing Alternatives for Air Force One

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Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Comcast remote lets people with physical disabilities control the TV with their eyes

Most TV viewers take for granted the ability to change the channel from their couches with a remote control. That task may be near impossible for viewers with the most severe physical challenges.

* This article was originally published here

New research finds increased CT use for suspected urolithiasis patients in ED

A new study performed in conjunction with the Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute examines changing characteristics of utilization and potential disparities in US emergency department (ED) patients undergoing CT of the abdomen and pelvis (CTAP) for suspected urolithiasis. The study is published online in the Journal of American College of Radiology (JACR).

* This article was originally published here

Simple scan could direct treatments for angina

A 40 minute test for angina could help patients avoid an overnight stay in hospital, according to research funded by the NIHR Guy's and St Thomas' Biomedical Research Centre.

* This article was originally published here

Survey sees biggest US honeybee winter die-off yet

Winter hit U.S. honeybees hard with the highest loss rate yet, an annual survey of beekeepers showed.

* This article was originally published here

Oceanographers investigate the ocean's carbon-absorbing processes over time

It's a well-known fact that the ocean is one of the biggest absorbers of the carbon dioxide emitted by way of human activity. What's less well known is how the ocean's processes for absorbing that carbon change over time, and how they might affect its ability to buffer climate change.

* This article was originally published here

Patients of surgeons with unprofessional behavior more likely to suffer complications

Patients of surgeons with higher numbers of reports from co-workers about unprofessional behavior are significantly more likely to experience complications during or after their operations, researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) reported today in JAMA Surgery.

* This article was originally published here

Human-on-a-chip model tests cancer drug efficacy and toxicity for therapeutic index

A reconfigurable "body-on-a-chip" model could transform drug development by simultaneously measuring compound efficacy and toxicity, for both target cells and other organs, such as the heart and liver. These findings, published in Science Translational Medicine, demonstrate the ability of a body-on-a-chip model to truly revolutionize biomedical research and personalized medicine through more accurate and efficient preclinical testing without the use of animal studies.

* This article was originally published here

Investigating coral and algal 'matchmaking' at the cellular level

What factors govern algae's success as "tenants" of their coral hosts both under optimal conditions and when oceanic temperatures rise? A Victoria University of Wellington-led team of experts that includes Carnegie's Arthur Grossman investigates this question.

* This article was originally published here

Automated cryptocode generator is helping secure the web

Nearly every time you open up a secure Google Chrome browser, a new MIT-developed cryptographic system is helping better protect your data.

* This article was originally published here

Serotonin linked to somatic awareness, a condition long thought to be imaginary

An international team spearheaded by researchers at McGill University has discovered a biological mechanism that could explain heightened somatic awareness, a condition where patients experience physical discomforts for which there is no physiological explanation.

* This article was originally published here

Facebook's currency Libra faces financial, privacy pushback

Facebook is getting a taste of the regulatory pushback it will face as it creates a new digital currency with corporate partners.

* This article was originally published here

How to head off a pain in the neck

(HealthDay)—Neck pain can sneak up on you over time. While it can be caused by an accident or injury, your everyday posture and body mechanics can also be to blame, from the way you carry a shoulder bag, cradle your phone while multitasking or sit at your desk. These tips will help you better protect your neck.

* This article was originally published here

'Goldilocks' neurons promote REM sleep

Every night while sleeping, we cycle between two very different states of sleep. Upon falling asleep, we enter non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep where our breathing is slow and regular and movement of our limbs or eyes are minimal. Approximately 90 minutes later, how-ever, we enter rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is a paradoxical state where our breathing becomes fast and irregular, our limbs twitch, and our eyes move rapidly. In REM sleep, our brain is highly active, but we also become paralyzed and we lose the ability to thermoregulate or maintain our constant body temperature. "This loss of thermoregulation in REM sleep is one of the most peculiar aspects of sleep, particularly since we have finely-tuned mechanisms that control our body temperature while awake or in non-REM sleep," says Markus Schmidt of the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) of the University of Bern, and the Department of Neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. On the one hand, the findings confirm a hypothesis proposed earlier by Schmidt, senior author of the study, and on the other hand represent a breakthrough for sleep medicine. The paper was published in Current Biology and highlighted by the editors with a comment.

* This article was originally published here

New AI system manages road infrastructure via Google Street View

Geospatial scientists have developed a new program to monitor street signs needing replacement or repair by tapping into Google Street View images.

* This article was originally published here

Californians agree: Don't build in wildfire-prone areas

Almost three-quarters of California voters think limits should be imposed on new housing developments in high-risk wildfire areas, according to a new Berkeley IGS Poll.

* This article was originally published here

Brain anatomy links cognitive and perceptual symptoms in autism

Neuroscientists at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) and University College London have found an anatomical link between cognitive and perceptual symptoms in autism. Published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the study identified a posterior region of the brain whose amount of gray matter is related to both cognitive rigidity and overly stable visual perception, two symptoms of autism that until now were only conceptually related.

* This article was originally published here

Gut bacteria from breastfeeding linked to improved infant response to vaccines

Higher levels of a customary gut bacteria enhanced by breastfeeding in early infancy were found to be coupled with an improved response to vaccines in infants through two years of age, according to a first-of-its-kind study by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their colleagues.

* This article was originally published here

Popcorn as a snack—healthy hit or dietary horror show?

Popcorn, with its ample dietary fiber and typically low calorie count, makes it easy to understand why many people think a giant bucket at the movie theater qualifies as a healthy snack.

* This article was originally published here

A new approach for unsupervised paraphrasing without translation

In recent years, researchers have been trying to develop methods for automatic paraphrasing, which essentially entails the automated abstraction of semantic content from text. So far, approaches that rely on machine translation (MT) techniques have proved particularly popular due to the lack of available labeled datasets of paraphrased pairs.

* This article was originally published here

Now your phone can become a robot that does the boring work

If any factory worker could program low-cost robots, then more factories could actually use robotics to increase worker productivity.

* This article was originally published here

Researchers use biological evolution to inspire machine learning

As Charles Darwin wrote in at the end of his seminal 1859 book On the Origin of the Species, "whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." Scientists have since long believed that the diversity and range of forms of life on Earth provide evidence that biological evolution spontaneously innovates in an open-ended way, constantly inventing new things. However, attempts to construct artificial simulations of evolutionary systems tend to run into limits in the complexity and novelty which they can produce. This is sometimes referred to as "the problem of open-endedness." Because of this difficulty, to date, scientists can't easily make artificial systems capable of exhibiting the richness and diversity of biological systems.

* This article was originally published here